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235 Stories
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While walking along Macau, confused and trying to find the Guia Fortress, a local man kindly approached me to offer help. I explained where I was goin…
~ Claire

After realizing I’d lost my wallet on a night out with friends in Seoul, Korea, I was devastated. I called every establishment that we’d ventured to t…
~ Laura N.

I was probably 15 at the time. My father and I were stumbling around Istanbul trying to read signs that might have well been gibberish as we tried to …
~ Eman Z

In Bagan, Myanmar, we hired a scooter to get around the temples in Bagan. On our way back we took a ‘shortcut’ that got us lost. To make matters worse…
~ Nicola and Chris

I experienced a random act of kindness in Chile during my year-long, around the world trip. I was camping with my friend in Torres del Paine National …
~ Anja B.

Never have I met a people more abundant in goodwill than the Nepali. Some backstory: Tim and I arrived in Nepal during a fuel crisis last November, on…
~ Izzy P.

Imagine driving around a small non-touristy town in Cuba late at night in the dark looking for a room to spend the night and nothing is open. Well, th…
~ Hannah L.

I was on my first trip to Europe on a bus tour through Munich when I became very ill and had to be taken to a hospital. While I was waiting in the hal…
~ Mark W.