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Never have I met a people more abundant in goodwill than the Nepali.
Some backstory: Tim and I arrived in Nepal during a fuel crisis last November, only six months after the cataclysmic earthquake that left so much in ruin.
Albeit the difficulties, there was no lack of generosity. Because of the fuel crisis, we had to resort to traveling sitting on the packed roofs of buses. Men would come to our aid to help lug our heavy packs aboard, then made sure Tim and I had ample space.
One ride in particular, there were three college students on their daily hour-long commute. We all had the same stop and when it came time to pay, the driver signaled that the young boys had taken care of our fare!

These students, usually the most economically strapped in society, gave to us visitors as a gesture of gratitude for visiting their country despite the circumstances it was facing. It was a very humbling moment for us.

Source Unknown