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236 Stories
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Rebecca Mehra helped an elderly couple get food when they were too scared to go into a crowded grocery store because of the Coronavirus outbreak –- pr…
~ Rebecca M.

Amidst the great toilet paper shortage of 2020, a Maryland family is doing what they can to help those in need. The COVID-19 outbreak is clearing stor…
~ Unknown

Every morning, Bonnie Linder from Hartley, Iowa, wakes up early and waits for the school bus. As soon as she sees it coming down the road, she gives t…
~ Unknown

Obocho Peters is a fifth-grader on a mission to make sure those who are less fortunate are able to dress to impress. Obocho Peters initially started h…
~ Rachel D.

Bethany Pendergrass, 40, from Albuquerque, New Mexico, decided to cut her hair short in May 2018, shortly after feeling a lump when adjusting her bra,…
~ Claire T.

In today's world, it's nice to know a simple act of kindness doesn't go unnoticed. When 15-year-old Dontarius Caldwell was snapped in a photo showing …
~ Unknown

For years, Jake and Marqui Balle of Clinton, Utah, had budgeted carefully and avoided splurges so they could afford lifesaving insulin for their diabe…
~ Cathy F.

Darius Brown, 13, of Newark, New Jersey, has been helping adoptable dogs look dapper since 2017 and now he’s expanding his efforts to include cats. He…
~ Unknown