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236 Stories
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Two firefighters were waiting in line at a fast-food restaurant when the siren sounded on their fire truck parked outside. As they turned to leave, a …
~ JoAnn Sanderson

I was four months pregnant with our first child when our baby’s heart stopped beating. I was devastated. As the days went on, I was nervous about retu…
~ Jennifer Garcia-Esquivel

When my friend and I were injured in a car accident, a family from out of state stopped to help. Seeing we were hurt, they drove us to the hospital an…
~ Cindy Earls

When I was seven, my family drove to the Grand Canyon. At one point, my favorite blanket flew out the window and was gone. I was devastated. Soon afte…
~ Zena Hamilton

Children were playing at the recreation area of an IKEA store when my five-year-old granddaughter motioned for a small boy to stop. She knelt down bef…
~ Sheela Mayes

I was driving cross-country to start a new job. What began as a fun adventure turned into a nightmare when I realized I had run through most of my mon…
~ Nadine Chandler,

When my grandson Max told his mother, Andrea, to donate any check she would give him for his 21st birthday, Andrea got an idea. She handed Max’s broth…
~ Dr. Donald Stoltz,

It was one of my first missions on a gunship during the Vietnam War. I was scanning for enemy fire when I spotted a bright object that looked as if it…
~ Douglas Hunter