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236 Stories
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In Morocco, government ministers and parliamentarians contributed a month's pay towards tackling the pandemic.…
~ EL O

Algeria, young volunteers have taken it upon themselves to disinfect the streets.…
~ Said T

At a mosque in Palestine, the imam told a doctor to give the Friday sermon so he could spread knowledge about Coronavirus to the public "The pulpit is…
~ Vijdan R J

AURORA, Colo. (CBS4) – Veterans quarantined at the Veteran’s Community Living Center at Fitzsimons couldn’t go to the cemetery to pay their respects t…
~ Kati W

Residential communities in Shanghai have been playing an active role in preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus. For example, residents across …
~ Xing Y and Zhang K, and Zhou W

On a different day, there was another man in a metro car with blue eyes and a baseball cap on his head and he gave me a very kind smile, and I didn’t …
~ Deborah K

Olivia Bartlett April 12 We’ve been dropping off all the baking treats we’ve been cooking up over the last couple of weeks to my Grandma who lives alo…
~ Olivia B.

Like many countries, Spain is currently on lockdown, meaning citizens are doing anything but hitting the gym (think sitting on the sofa, staring out t…
~ Unknown