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236 Stories
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Nia Z. Sherar is the most inspirational and hardworking human on this planet. Nia had the dream of planting corn in Africa to help feed the impoverish…
~ Dalton W

Customer of a restaurant in Houston, Texas called Irma's left behind over $9000 in tips to help sustain the employees of the restaurant that went into…
~ Rakhi B

Jackson Frank, a Gonzaga University student from Spokane, Washington in the United States, took to Twitter to offer financial help to anyone affected …
~ Rakhi B

It’s true that when we are put in the spot or find ourselves in desperate situations, it can bring out either the best or ugly side of us. We’ve seen …
~ Iylia A

The Sikh community has always been at the forefront when it comes to helping people in need during emergencies. Be it the Australian bushfires, Delhi …
~ Shreya C

Danielle Weaver created The Neighborhood Challenge because she was looking for a way to collect and deliver canned goods for the Lebanon Food Pantry t…
~ Paola H

When money is tight and things are so uncertain, families in Brown County are faced with a difficult decision: how am I going to afford to feed my pet…
~ Aly K

Five-year-old Isaac Cadwallader and his mom, Sarah, aren’t seeing much of their neighbors these days. They found a way to spread a positive message an…
~ Kristyn H