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I would like to say a very big thank you to a lovely young lady who unknowingly gave my mum a lovely memory on the last 24 hours of her life. After ce…
~ Unknown

At first, 6-year-old Emily Daniels from Beaver, West Virginia, didn't want to wear glasses—she didn't want to be different from the other kids her age…
~ Unknown

In December 2013 I experienced a deep and personal loss: the death of my mother. Two days before Christmas, a man I had never met before came to my ho…
~ Unknown

When Daniel Sadler, a tow truck driver from Kernersville, North Carolina, saw a program about the freezing temperatures and the homeless population st…
~ Unknown

Instead of handing out tickets to traffic offenders in Manitoba, Canada, Constable Kyle Isenor decided to embrace the spirit of Cupid on Valentine's D…
~ Elyse W.

Public Safety Officer Ben Hall has gained a lot of attention after a traffic stop last Friday. While responding to a call of a child riding in a vehic…
~ Janice A.

JABALPUR: Inmates of a jail in Madhya Pradesh will supply 2,000 masks they have manufactured to the state health department in view of the novel coron…

Rebecca Mehra helped an elderly couple get food when they were too scared to go into a crowded grocery store because of the Coronavirus outbreak –- pr…
~ Rebecca M.